
Sunday, December 2, 2012

OMG, I'm such an addict

I was up at 2:00 am recently posing my little mp3 players so they could join me on my blog.  Is that sick or what?  I think they look nice, although it was a chore to make them all stay lighted up until I got the pose I wanted.  I had to take about 20 pictures to get one just right.  

Which is my favorite?  Well, maybe it's my iPod (middle).  It holds more books and keeps my place better but jumps to another book or song if I barely bump it and I haven't quite figured out how to add audiobooks from the library.   Maybe it's my Creative Zen Mosaic (right).  I've had it longer than the others and have some audiobooks on it I may never want to delete.  But, it screws up at the very worst possible time and rewinding sometimes crashes it's little system.  Or maybe it's my Philips GoGear (left).  I can add books from the library or Audible and I can delete files from the player without hooking it to my computer but sometimes it's hard to find my place if I want to rewind. But they're all better than listening to books on a cd player like I was doing when I first discovered audiobooks. 


  1. Judy, could I listen to audio books on my Galaxy 8.9 Samsung tabet?
    I don't have an iPod.

    1. Yes you could. You can get audiobooks from your library, iTunes or Audible.

  2. Thanks, I'm so newbie, I didn't see your answer (thanks)
